【Rocksdb实现及优化分析】 JoinBatchGroup

最近在精读rocksdb代码,对比之前看过的leveldb,发现rocksdb几乎在所有地方都做了非常细致的优化,感觉还是非常值得细读的,每个地方深入下去总会有意想不到的收获,所以打算今后长期持续的学习总结rocksdb。level和rocksdb,前者是更像是LSM和C++ 98的学习教科书,如果想深入搞引擎,还是rocksdb做的更细致更具体,总结一句话:跟leveldb学C++,跟rocksdb学做引擎,吼吼~ 这篇就一个很小的点(JoinBatchGroup)来展看,看看rocksdb是怎么做优化的

1. JoinBatchGroup


2. 优化点


Status DBImpl::Write(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* my_batch) {

  MutexLock l(&mutex_);
  while (!w.done && &w != writers_.front()) {
  if (w.done) {
    return w.status;


For reference, on my 4.0 SELinux test server with support for syscall auditing enabled, the minimum latency between FUTEX_WAKE to returning from FUTEX_WAIT is 2.7 usec, and the average is more like 10 usec. That can be a big drag on RockDB’s single-writer design.


2. 如何优化

条件锁因为Context Switches而代价高昂,rocksdb通过一系列优化来尽量少用条件锁的使用并且尽可能的减少Context Switches。它将leveldb简单一条pthread_cond_wait拆成3步来做:


1. Loop

这里主要就是通过循环忙等待一段有限的时间,大约1us,绝大多数的情况下,这1us的忙等足以让state条件满足(Leader Writer的WriteBatch执行完),而忙等待是占着CPU,不会发生Context Switches,这就减小了额外开销;

  // On a modern Xeon each loop takes about 7 nanoseconds (most of which
  // is the effect of the pause instruction), so 200 iterations is a bit
  // more than a microsecond.  This is long enough that waits longer than
  // this can amortize the cost of accessing the clock and yielding.
  for (uint32_t tries = 0; tries < 200; ++tries) {
    state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    if ((state & goal_mask) != 0) {
      return state;




static inline void AsmVolatilePause() {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
  asm volatile("pause");


Improves the performance of spin-wait loops. When executing a “spin-wait loop,” a Pentium 4 or Intel Xeon processor suffers a severe performance penalty when exiting the loop because it detects a possible memory order violation. The PAUSE instruction provides a hint to the processor that the code sequence is a spin-wait loop. The processor uses this hint to avoid the memory order violation in most situations, which greatly improves processor performance. For this reason, it is recommended that a PAUSE instruction be placed in all spin-wait loops.

An additional function of the PAUSE instruction is to reduce the power consumed by a Pentium 4 processor while executing a spin loop. The Pentium 4 processor can execute a spin-wait loop extremely quickly, causing the processor to consume a lot of power while it waits for the resource it is spinning on to become available. Inserting a pause instruction in a spin-wait loop greatly reduces the processor’s power consumption.

This instruction was introduced in the Pentium 4 processors, but is backward compat­ible with all IA-32 processors. In earlier IA-32 processors, the PAUSE instruction operates like a NOP instruction. The Pentium 4 and Intel Xeon processors implement the PAUSE instruction as a pre-defined delay. The delay is finite and can be zero for some processors. This instruction does not change the architectural state of the processor (that is, it performs essentially a delaying no-op operation).

可以看出,pause指令主要就是提升spin-wait-loop的性能,当执行spin-wait的时候处理器会在退出循坏的时候检测到memory order violation而进行流水线重排,造成性能损失,pause指定则是告诉cpu,当前正处在spin-wait中,绝大多数情况下,处理器根据这个提示来避免violation,提高性能。

结合rocksdb,发现上面的200次循环中每次都会load state变量,检查是否符合条件,当Leader Writer的WriteBatch执行完,修改了这个state变量时,会产生store指令,由于处理器是乱序执行的,当有了store指令后,需要重排流水线确保在store之后的load指令在执行store之后再执行,而重排会带来25倍左右的性能损失。pause指令其实就是延迟40左右个clock,这样可以尽可能减少流水线上的load指令,减少重排代价。


这个优化在glibc的spinlock的实现中也有使用,不过问题来了,对rocksdb而言,其实这个state变量也就最多两个线程使用,一个是等待load的线程,一个是Leader WriteBatch,不同于一般的Producer-Consumer,这里只有一个Consumer,所以感觉load指令也不会特别多,pause的优化肯定是有的,但在这种场景下优化幅度有多大呢?

2. Short-Wait


      while ((iter_begin - spin_begin) <=
             std::chrono::microseconds(max_yield_usec_)) {

        state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
        if ((state & goal_mask) != 0) {
          // success
          would_spin_again = true;

        auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        if (now == iter_begin ||
            now - iter_begin >= std::chrono::microseconds(slow_yield_usec_)) {
          // conservatively count it as a slow yield if our clock isn't
          // accurate enough to measure the yield duration
          if (slow_yield_count >= kMaxSlowYieldsWhileSpinning) {
            // Not just one ivcsw, but several.  Immediately update ctx
            // and fall back to blocking
            update_ctx = true;
        iter_begin = now;

和Loop一样,还是循环判断state条件是否满足,满足则跳出循环,不满足则std::this_thread::yield()来主动让出时间片,这里的循环不是无止境的,最多持续max_yield_usec_ us(默认0us,需要用enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield=true来打开,打开后默认是100us)。这么做是可取的,因为yield并不一定会发生Context Switches,如果线程数小于CPU的core数, 也就是每个core上只有一个线程的时候,是不会发生Context Switches,花费差不多不到1us。不同于Loop每次固定循环200次,Short-Wait循环的上限是100us,这100us使用CPU的高占用(involuntary context switches)来换取rocksdb可能的高吞吐,如果很不幸每次100us后state还没有满足条件而进去最后的Long-Wait,那么这100us做了很多无谓的Context Switches,消耗了CPU。有没有什么办法来动态判断在Short-Wait中是否需要break出循环直接进行Long-Wait呢?rocksdb是通过yield的持续时长来做的调整,如果yield前后间隔大于3us,并且累计3次,则认为yield已经慢到足够可以通过直接Long-Wait来等待而不用进行无谓的yield。


if (max_yield_usec_ > 0) {
    update_ctx = Random::GetTLSInstance()->OneIn(256);

    if (update_ctx || ctx->value.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) >= 0) {


 if (update_ctx) {
    auto v = ctx->value.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    // fixed point exponential decay with decay constant 1/1024, with +1
    // and -1 scaled to avoid overflow for int32_t
    v = v + (v / 1024) + (would_spin_again ? 1 : -1) * 16384;
    ctx->value.store(v, std::memory_order_relaxed);

3. Long-Wait


uint8_t WriteThread::BlockingAwaitState(Writer* w, uint8_t goal_mask) {
  // We're going to block.  Lazily create the mutex.  We guarantee
  // propagation of this construction to the waker via the
  // STATE_LOCKED_WAITING state.  The waker won't try to touch the mutex
  // or the condvar unless they CAS away the STATE_LOCKED_WAITING that
  // we install below.



  1. leveldb的一条pthread_cond_wait被rocksdb扩展出这么多的步骤及策略,目的还是为了尽可能的优化性能。的确,基础服务写的好不好直接决定着上层应用的性能,对于可能存在的瓶颈一定要吃透直到最优。自己之前写代码也基本没有考虑过Context Switches带来的性能损耗,是有必要想rocksdb一样回头看看自己写的代码是不是有可以优化的地方
  2. 内核的学习也很重要,只有知道底层怎么实现才能知道使用各种调用有什么利弊,如何权衡利用。不过个人不太认同上来就盲目看内核代码及实现的方式,即使看完也体会不深,如果找不到应用场景大多数时候只能纸上谈兵,参与到底层基础服务的开发和学习中,前期实现为主,以实现功能为目标作出服务,直到自己开发功力积累到足够多的时候,也就是上层功能已经足够完善的时候,这才需要极致的击破性能瓶颈点,这时候带着目的去看内核具体模块的实现,然后运用到实践中,这样反馈更好,学习的更深入。向rocksdb学优化,应用到pika和zeppline上来,哈哈
  3. rocksdb默认是没有打开Short-Wait的,需要通过配置项enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield = true来打开,打开后,max_yield_usec_默认是100us,可以通过配置项write_thread_slow_yield_usec来调整,增大它就是靠消耗更多CPU(Short-Wait持续时间越长)来提高rocksdb的吞吐。另外slow_yield_usec_默认是3us,可以通过配置项write_thread_slow_yield_usec来调整,增大它则会导致slow_yield_usec_门槛变高,减少Short-Wait半路break出去直接进行Long-Wait的概率,同样是用CPU来换吞吐。

PS: 今天是2016年最后一天,这一年收货颇多,希望自己在2017可以有更快更好更大的进步,也希望生活可以更加顺顺顺,实现自己2017年的所有目标(^o^)/~